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Home Hosting 10 Helpful Tips to Follow When Switching Web Hosts

10 Helpful Tips to Follow When Switching Web Hosts

10 Helpful Tips to Follow When Switching Web Hosts

Web hosting is an integral part of your online business and a significant factor that impacts the growth and sustainability of your business. Choosing the best web hosting service for your business needs is a tedious task but one-time hard work that would pay you off until later.

It is very common that people initially do not give importance to the web hosting thing and choose any company that attracts them rather than digging and searching out facts regarding their services. After some time, they realize that this particular web hosting does not suit their business, so they want to switch from one web hosting to another. There are multiple web hosting companies in Pakistan that provide the services of web hosting in Pakistan that would be a good option for you to consider, such as;

  • PakChamp web hosting company
  • Buzz Host
  • PCS Server


Switching web hosts is also an important thing, and people must be mindful of many things while undergoing this change. Here are some helpful tips for switching your web hosts. Let’s take a look;

Smooth Transition

Obviously, being a website host, you would want this shifting to go on very smoothly without your customers realizing any disruption in your website. In order to do this, you must do some planning and research ahead, which would certainly reduce the probability of hosting issues and save you from a bad experience.

Backup Your Data

No one would want to lose some of their important files while switching from one web hosting service to another. In such a case creating a backup copy of your website is a crucial thing. Try to manually back up your files and be mindful that it might take a lot of time.

Research About Your New Web Host

Making the same mistake as before has led you to this point of switching your web host. Now researching the facts about your new web hosts and getting to know them is necessary.  Put some time and gather information about the web hosting services, companies hosting expertise, support, and their hosting plans with their features, speed, and budget as well. If you seriously serve your energies before choosing web hosting services then you can save your site hosting from any downfall and tragedy.

Inform Your Site Viewers

Make sure to inform people that you are moving your website and over what time period it will take place. Whether it is a business or personal site, it is simply good etiquette to inform your viewers that you are moving so they do not wonder what has happened in case you experience some problems.

Make a Proper Plan

Create a plan of action for how to carry out the transition. Select the proper day and time for this process to be carried out. This way, it is possible that the process will disrupt very few people.

List All the Steps

Make a list of all the essential steps that will be involved during the transition and their time schedules and ensure that everything is followed as planned.

Do a Test Run

Once all the files have been uploaded completely, test your site using the temporary URL. Check all the pages on your website and ensure it is working correctly. Once this is done, you can change your DNS.

Change Your DNS

Once all your files are moved and all your testing is done, you can change your DNS. Log in to your new domain account and change the settings to your current host. It usually occurs very quickly these days, so most of your users will be able to identify any problems shortly after moving.

Check Again for any Issues

Check again and again for any issues, and if you find any, then go back to your old host and make the desired changes.

Wait for Canceling the Old One

Even if everything seems to be going on fine, wait a few days in order to be completely sure before canceling your account at your old host, it won’t cost you a fortune, but it is a good idea to do.


In this course of action, keeping this organized and following the plan would certainly make the transition smoother with fewer problems. So, make sure to follow these tips and hope it might help you


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