A dedicated server hosting is that kind of web hosting in which you are given an entire server to use exclusively. At the same time, when a dedicated server offers you some great benefits, it will also create lots of trouble for you. The most crucial of all is to handle the security risk that a dedicated server poses to your data and critical files. It is also very likely to get a DoS attack, which causes server failure by overwhelming the system with tons of traffic.
Security risks of dedicated hosting
Since you are solely given complete control over the server in case of a dedicated server hosting, and you are the only one using it, it is up to you to install security programs and protect your data or not. And if you are not an IT or a tech guy or somehow don’t know what to do and how to do it, then there is an excellent chance of getting viruses, threats, and security breaches from other sites.
Protecting your important data files from viruses, threats, and security breaches on your website while choosing to go with dedicated hosting is the main challenge. Below listed are some of the measures which would help you how to improve the security of your dedicated server; let’s take a look to overcome security breaches in your dedicated server;
Tips To Secure Your Dedicated Server
Change Your Passwords Immediately
When you buy a new dedicated server hosting, it should be your utmost priority to change your server passwords. Your host might have set a default password that increases the risk of vulnerabilities. Try to keep the new password very random, and it is preferred not to use anything related to your personal history.
Regular Scanning and Testing
Searching for a well-renowned web hosting provider with regular vulnerability scanning and testing services would be best. Also, keep checking your site for unusual behavior and test the software on a secure device before uploading it to your website.
Update Software Regularly
If you have been using a dedicated server for some time and are not updating the software regularly, this could be the biggest mistake. Outdated software might not have the security updates, patches, and other protections that you require to keep your information safe. So, what you must do is to:
- Install the newest version of the software available on the dedicated server.
- Use a reliable dedicated server security scan to help you stay updated and protected.
Backup your Data
Doing Back up of your data is one of the essential preventive measures one could take to protect their data. When using a dedicated server, always:
- Perform regular data backups and keep a copy elsewhere so that you will be able to restore that data in the event of an attack rather than losing it.
- Create a plan for regular data restoration if the hard drive fails or external data is compromised.
Use Firewall
It is essential for you to:
- Choose a dedicated server in Lahore having the best hardware and ample system resources.
- Choose a web hosting company in Pakistan that offers a quality firewall to stop malicious data before it reaches your server.
These security risks are pretty common when dealing with dedicated server hosting in Pakistan, so you need to take these measures to protect your data from viruses and security breaches. If you cannot do this, you are always at risk of a security threat. Ask your hosting provider to provide professionals to assist your website and save your server from viruses and threats. Or you can avail of Pakhamp technical experts’ services to secure your server. We have provided 24/7/365 technical support with fast, reliable, and secure hosting services of dedicated server hosting in Lahore since 2015.