Web hosting companies provide both Windows and Linux as operating system options to their customers. It is often quite challenging for site hosts to decide which platform is favorable for their site. Even though it is usually the expensive option, Windows hosting Pakistan represents the best platform for hosting. It offers more options in terms of website technologies. It often easier hosting the configuration for beginners.
There are some web hosting companies in Pakistan hosts that offer both options readily to their customers. Many people who use Windows as their home operating system, will also cause them to specifically choose a Windows platform in their web hosting. However, the truth is that most people will be able to use a Linux platform without problems, some of which they use due to their personal preference.
Linux Vs Windows
To choose Linux, or Windows there are multiple factors to consider in finding a host that is most reliable, suitable for your needs, regardless of the platform used. However, multiple factors are used when comparing Windows vs. Linux to determine which platform is best. Such factors are;
Windows server is more expensive, this is still the case majority of web hosts prefer to use Linux. However, the price is coming down due to the high rate of competition in the hosting industry. Therefore, price becomes less of an issue because both systems becoming fairly comparable. If your budget is extremely tight, then you have to find Linux, because it is comparatively cheaper than windows.
Linux and Windows have multiple features that will allow you to accomplish your hosting task easily. Both options will allow you to run scripts, create pages, blog, install forums, and much more. If you need a full spectrum of features, you will likely get all you need regardless of the platform you choose.
Linux performs slightly better than Windows. The reason is the difference in their performance is due to how each platform is offered. Linux offers an extendable platform, therefore, with Windows, you are getting everything at once which may cause slowing in performance.
Security is another debated issue between Windows and Linux. Security issues are based on the home operating system and the popularity of it as an operating system there is the idea that Linux is more secure. Both have the potential for vulnerabilities.
Windows-Specific features
When you are considering the differences between Windows and Linux there are very few differences. The main deciding factor, you should use Windows comes down to whether or not you use Windows-specific applications. These may include:
- ASP – This is a basic application framework web designers may use to create pages.
- FrontPage – This is a WYSIWYG web page creator that allows you to create pages and forms within your site and then easily upload them on your site.
- .NET – This is a software framework that provides a variety of solutions like; security, connectivity, and application development
- Windows Streaming Media – This is a means of serving audio and video to the public and is often used for band sites or movie trailers.
- Access – This is a database system similar to MySQL often used as the backbone of various applications.
- MSSQL – This is a relational database system often used with Cold Fusion or ASP
Any Windows proprietary application will be better served on a Windows platform because it is designed specifically for it. Many Windows applications can be used on Linux via workarounds and add ones but they may not be secure or as robust as what is provided with Windows. Thus, if you use any Windows applications as a primary function on your site, you may want to consider your efforts to Windows hosting.