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Home Hosting VPS VS Reseller Hosting Which Do I Need?

VPS VS Reseller Hosting Which Do I Need?

VPS VS Reseller Hosting Which Do I Need?

Business is more exciting than any game when you have reliable web hosting services.VPS  stands for Virtual Private Server. If you were starting any other kind of online business, VPS hosting will be your perfect choice. In VPS hosting you also shared your parent server resources with other website users. VPS hosting split each website from the others and allocates specific resources to each website. These resources aren’t shared with any other website on the server.

VPS hosting in Pakistanis an ideal medium between shared hosting and dedicated hosting because it’s really more cost-effective than dedicated hosting.  It’s faster, private, and more secure as compared to shared hosting.

Reseller Hosting 

 Reseller hosting means you buy hosting from a web hosting company as a wholesale, then you sell specifically allocated space of your webserver to your potential customer in your own specific tare. The basic purpose of reseller hosting in Lahore is to get a handsome amount by selling server space on rent to the different site hosts.

Different Types of Servers For Reseller Hosting

There are different types of servers or services that are adopted for reseller hosting. These include in; 

  1. VPS Server
  2. Dedicated Server
  3. Private VPS Parent Server 
  4. Cloud server 

All these web hosting options will depend on the requirements of the site host. People select these hosting options on the basis of the size of their business, specific use cases, and how they plan to use a web server. The only thing you have to consider while selecting a platform is whether its resource allocation assignments are associated with its account or not. If a limited amount of resources is allocated to a server, then an intensive web application or software program may create issues running. It may cause a slowdown or struck your server, and the website or software application will also suffer to perform their specific respective functions.

Ensuring that all the web hosting resources are free of cost and available in advance. This strategy also helps to prevent future issues with web applications or software programs. This is a prime aspect of web hosting.

Using VPS Instead Of  Reseller Packages

Moving from a Reseller to a VPS,  if you need more hold on the server resources. For example, if you need to install some additional software that you are not allowed on a shared server. Otherwise, reseller hosting is preferred for 99% of resellers because you get all the reseller tools and you managed to host resources for your clients on your own.

       Advantages Of VPS Hosting 

  1. VPS hosting system has its own resources and operating web system
  2. It’s highly affordable in price as compared to other hosting packages
  3. No more technical specific knowledge is required to manage VPS hosting
  4. VPS hosting provides better control of your server resources 
  5. You can get root access in VPS hosting
  6. You can modify your hosting account, install specific software as per your need
  7. One parent physical server split into multiple site accounts

VPS hosting will be the best option for you when you want to exceed your business within your limited budget.  Before selecting your web host, evaluate your unique needs, your website requirements, and your budget to find a provider that’s perfect for you. Knowledge is power when it comes to the range of technology.


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