The selection of a web hosting in pakistan is one of the most critical decision especially when you are going to launch your first website. It is a bit difficult to understand various hosting plans and their hosting features, but it is necessary for your site’s success and the health of your website budget as well.
Hosting is not as much complicated as it sounds to be. After doing research, you will be able to choose the best hosting plan for your website. In this blog, we will discuss why shared hosting is the most popular choice for first-time website owners?
What is Shared Hosting?
Shared Hosting account handles several websites on a single server. Shared hosting also preferred by new website host, personal blogs, and developer as well. As its name suggests, all hosting resources are shared with another site host, so that’s why it is considered one of the most affordable choices for new website and personal blogs.
How does Shared Hosting work?
In Shared hosting, being a site host, you are sharing a hosting server with multiple website hosts. A shared hosting in pakistan runs resource management software that is configured and maintained by a hosting company. In shared hosting provider manage resources across accounts by their selves. in shared hosting your site account is fully private and you do not interact with other hosting accounts.
A shared server is configured to operate smoothly without interruption across other hosting accounts. But since resources are shared, the hosting company can impose limits and some rules and regulation on each hosting account to prevent the chances of downtime for all hosting accounts.
Advantages of shared hosting solution
- Easy to set up and manage
- More affordable than other website hosting services like VPS or Dedicated hosting solutions
- Available for both Linux and window operating system
- You don’t need to manage your server, because your hosting provider will be managing your hosting server
What to Look for in Shared Hosting?
- Since you are selecting shared hosting plans, you must consider these suggestions, that’s are;
- Server Resources & Performance in terms of memory, bandwidth, and processors, etc.
- Account and hosting policies i-e databases, domains, and disk space etc.
- Customer & Technical Support24/7/365
- Account Management
- Server Configurations and Software
- Hosting plan and Bonuses (automated backups)
Shared hosting is the most popular hosting option for personal blogs and websites as well as small entrepreneurs who have just launched their enterprises. In shared hosting solution, prices are cheap in cost and maintenance is very simple as compare to dedicated or VPS hosting accounts. However, Web hosting in lahore security risks are higher on shared servers as compare to other hosting solutions. Moreover, when being a site host you feel the demands of resources will increase due to traffic load, then you have an option to upgrade your hosting account with more advanced hosting solutions, features and capabilities. Meanwhile, choose your shared hosting provider wisely to avoid problems in the near future.