When it comes to online hosting your business website, you will need to consider your choice of storage drive. Site host almost ignores to consider what type of hardware their hosting company is offering in their plans. A hard drive is something you have to consider the most regarding hosting. Essentially, there are two types of storage devices available for your server, such as
- HDD hard disk drive
- SSD solid-state drive
Cheap selection of web hosting company that offers the most affordable hardware. This is going to spoil the rest of your business efforts. You have to make severe compromises regarding speed, and downtime to upgrade your business.
Don’t take tension Pakchamp web hosting company put forward the best hosting solution regarding traditional storage media. We are offering Solid State Drive or SSD hosting, an alternative to the prior and the most advanced technology these days in site hosting. This post will look at the specific reason to choose SSD hosting for your website hosting plan.
Difference Between HDD & SSD
The difference between HDD and SSD is that HDD drives are mechanical and SSDs are not. HDD has a spinning disk, similar to a DVD, on which the data is written or read from. SSDs store data on microchips and so need no moving parts that will make it solid-state. In addition, these disks are mechanical, whereas SSDs are purely electronic. Due to the same of this, SSDs are fast.
Main Reasons To Choose SSD Hosting
Enhanced Website Ratings
As per Google’s statement, web loading time is the main trait to judge website ranking. Google also tends to reward those websites which are browsing friendly and facilitate their users in all possible ways. It all depends upon the speed of your website. If you get the hosting services from a professional hosting provider, their quality hosting services will enhance your website’s rating.
Improved Statistics Of Conversions
There are multiple causes, and specific reasons behind failure are cart abandonment—complexity of the process, lack of timely assistance, improper instructions, insecure page, and much more.
One key element behind this cart abandonment is the slow loading of the web page. People are no longer having desk browsing; they prefer to use mobile. They are relatively portable with their mobile accessories like; cell phones, tablets, laptops, or notebooks. They don’t have time for slower web pages. Google also prioritizes websites that are mobile-friendly versions. The easiest solution and best remedy to slower connections is SSD hosting. Pakchamp Soft also provides you SSD VPS hosting at in low price.
Increased Uptime
Traditional drives, despite all the advancements, reduce the risk of data failure. It is true that with modifications and enhancements, their failure rate has reduced to 3-5%. This is relatively smaller yet still too much when you think about your valuable data. There are ways to minimize this downtime like:
- RAID but they are costly
- SSD hosting has a failure rate of nearly 0.3%
By getting highly reliable SSD hosting with moderately increased uptime, you can grab more visitors to your website.
Green Better It Is
Energy resources are essential for us as an individual and as a whole. We can save energy through SSD, which is five times more efficient than the other one. SSDs use an average of 1.19 Watts vs. 6.43 Watts for SATA on a usual workload. This means SSDs are reducing your electricity consumption by five times.
Benefits Of SSD Drives For Web Hosting
- Faster website performance
- Reduced chance of data loss
- Faster multitasking
- Boosts the performance of CMS sites like WordPress
- Cheaper and greener to run
- No more defragging
- SSDs are available for all kinds of hosting
Web hosting companies play a vital role in your online success. Your hosting provider makes you or break you, so while selecting a web hosting company, always prefer to choose a professional host. Your web hosting decision is your core image in the web world. All of the reasons mentioned above will not be possible without SSD drives. SSDs are the best solution in the context of web hosting data storage. They improve performance in various ways, boosting operating speeds and website loading times while reducing the risk of data loss.